Below are the locations of Monuments and Markers connected with the 15th Ohio and Willich's Brigade.
SHILOH--Brigade markers are located just south of Woolf field near the intersection of Corinth Rd. and Hamburg-Purdy Road. The 32nd Indiana is located north of the Corinth Rd. while the 15th and 49th Ohio's are south of the road. The brigade tablet is directly south of these monuments, in the woods south of the Hamburg-Purdy Road. Goodspeed's Battery Monument is locatd near the park Visitor Center on the north side of Pittsburg Landing Road.
CHICKAMAUGA--The regimental monuments for Willich's Brigade are located near tht intersection of Alexander Bridge Rd. and Brotherton Rd. bordering Reed's Field. Brigade markers are also located at Kelly's Field along with two small granite markers for the 15th and 49th Ohio. Goodspeed's Battery has an impressive monument in Kelly's Field. On other Brigade marker is located in the woods, along a footpath, between Brotherton Rd. and Kelly's Field. (It's easy to find if you have the proper map-available at the Visitor Center.
MISSIONARY RIDGE---The Brigade tablet is located on the west side of North Crest Road, just south of the intersection with Shallowford Rd. Continue north across SHallowford Rd. to find the monuments of the 89th Illinois and 8th Kansas. The 8th Kansas also has a monument at Orchard Knob in Chattanooga.
LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY--National Cemetery-Monument of the 32nd Indiana.
ATLANTA CAMPAIGN---While no single monument or marker exists for a specific regiment in the Brigade at Atlanta, there are numerous historical markers which chronicle the movements of the IV Army Corps, of which Willich's Brigade was a part.
Howard's 4th Army Corps Line-Mt. Vernon Hwy at Northside Drive.
4th and 23rd Army Corps Advance-Mt. Vernon Hwy at Old Powers Road.
4th Army Corps Posted along the River--U.S. 41 north side of the Chattahoochee River.
Howard's Corps at Nancy's Creek-Powers Ferry Rd. at Nancy Creek Bridge.
Howard's March to Buckhead-Powers Ferry Rd at Mt. Paran Rd.
Wood's and Newton's Divisions at Peachtree Creek--Peachtree Rd at Fairhaven Circle.
Wood's Division at Peachtree Creek--Peachtree Rd. at Fairhaven Circle.
Wood's Division, Fouth Corps--Piedmont Rd. and Pelham Rd.
Stanley's and Wood's Sector--corner of Johnson and Lenox Rd.
Howard's 4th Army Corps at Durand's Mill--GA 42 at Old Briarcliff Road.
Stanley and Wood march to Durand's Mill--GA 42 at GA 236
Closing the Gap--Briarcliff Rd. at University Dr.
Great site with all you need for Ohio Research!
Union Ancestor group formed in 1886 and recently reorganized.

A great new website dealing with this German Regiment. Highly Recommended!
Civil War Interactive gives you up to date news on the Civil War today including sites, events and much more. Great Site!
Bowling Green University website with a wealth of Civil War Manuscripts and Newspapers.
The Vintage Gun Leather Company website includes a history of the Askew Saddlery Company.